Woodbury Police K9 Fund
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Our Mission:

K9 Support

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to supporting the Woodbury Police K9 program and its officers by purchasing dogs & equipment, providing funds for the healthcare of the K9s in their retirement, and providing funding for the training of handlers for the city of Woodbury, MN.


Check out our quick video of the Woodbury Public Safety K9 team, on patrol, demonstrations & their at-home personalities

Woodbury K9 Levi

Our Mission

The Woodbury Police K9 Fund raises and collects funds that enable the City of Woodbury’s Public Safety Department to purchase dogs for the K9 Program, provides funding for training of the officers and their K9s, both initial and ongoing, as well as specialized equipment necessary in supporting a K9 program.

A successful K9 program enhances the effectiveness of the public safety team by providing search and rescue, narcotics discovery, and providing a connection to the community they serve through interactions with the K9s and their handlers.

Learn More


Our Impact

The K9 Fund works to raise funds through our community supporters, events, and other means to fund the major costs of the Woodbury Public Safety K9 program. To date, through the generous support of the community and friends of the Fund has made the impact below.



K9’s Purchased

Seven K9s have been purchased through the Woodbury Police K9 Fund, 100% paid for, and donated to the City of Woodbury.

Roguen, Buster, Cirrus, Ruby, Kane, Otis, and Echo were purchased through this fund.



Funds raised and donated

As of December of 2022, the Woodbury Police K9 Fund has disbursed over $88,000 for the purchase of K9s, and over $13k in retirement and medical expenses for retired K9s in service prior to the Fund’s inception.

Each K9 can cost approximately $12,000-$15,000.



Current handlers

  • Sgt. Natalie Bauer - Cirrus

  • Det. Adam Sack - Otis

  • Officer Emily Wessels - Kane

  • Officer Bob Boleen - Echo


March 2023

The City of Woodbury appreciates the support of the K9 Fund which provides our public safety team with unique skills & abilities in the form of cute noses, big paws, and wagging tails. These wonderful animals help to keep our community safe in ways that human officers cannot.

Anne Burt, Mayor - City of Woodbury (2018-Current)


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 K9s & Handlers

Visit the K9 section to learn more about the canines & their handlers


Get Involved

The Fund relies on volunteers and community support to drive our mission. We appreciate any and all support possible. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us for more opportunities!


Support the supporters

A number of Woodbury businesses provide year-round support by hosting a Koins4K9s donation box. See where you can support the local businesses that support us.

Volunteer opportunities

Fundraising events and community engagement help the Woodbury Police K9 Fund raise awareness and support for our mission. Join us for one of our upcoming events.

Make a Donation

One-time or ongoing, the Fund appreciates any and all support possible. We also love to honor, memorialize, and celebrate your loved ones through your donations.